Genomic Testing

Our DNA is unique and gives us crucial information about our genetic predispositions, allowing us to make empowered & personalized choices to optimize our health

What is Functional Genomics/Lifestyle Genetics?


Humans have approximately 3 billion DNA pairs within 23 pairs of chromosomes and while 98% of our genes are the same, our protein coding genes represent about 2% of our genome. So while we have the same genes, we all have genetic variants that impact how we look, what we react to, which nutrients or types of exercise we need to thrive, how our detoxification can be impacted and so much more.

LoveMyHealthPro Extended Clinical Panel by DNA Labs


This extended clinical panel shows us key information about the following: 

  • Eating behaviours

  • Food reactions

  • Responses to different types of diets

  • Best type of Exercises for you

  • Unique nutritional needs you may need to augment

  • Metabolic health factors

  • Hormonal detoxification

  • Methylation pathways

  • Cardiovascular disease risk

  • Diabestes disease risk

  • Thyroid disease risk

  • Detoxification efficiency 

  • Mood & behaviour through neurotransmitter balance

This is currently the most individualized information we can get about our nutrient and diet needs, exercise and lifestyle recommendations; all based on your genetic variants. 

This is not diagnostic testing but rather is used to optimize the lifestyle components of your health as best as we currently can. Food and environmental factors (epigenetics) also play an essential role in interacting with genetic variations which is why working with a knowledgeable practitioner that looks at your health history and the “whole” you is wise.

This test, as is the case with all tests, can only be done if you are a patient of Dr. Smith’s. It is a simple swab (in your mouth) kit and the results take about 2 weeks. The follow up to go over the test and write a summary report is one hour.

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