Hi, I’m Dr. Kirsten. 


Women’s Health Warrior, Advocate and Hormone Expert.


I work in the pioneering space where naturopathic and functional medicine meet conventional medicine, bringing an evidence-based, integrative approach to helping women reach their health goals.


Dr Kirsten Smith

Integrative women’s health care

Elevate, Educate & Empower

Are you ready to take charge of your health and get evidence-based bespoke care?


Are you ready to become your #1 priority so that you can be strong through middle life,

reduce disease risks and age with strength and grace? 


Would you like to have a health care strategy that actually delivers results?


If yes, you’re in the right place. Welcome.



Hot flashes, insomnia, mood changes, weight gain & fatigue taking over your life?

PMS that feels borderline scary?

Super heavy periods?

Hormones feel like they’re holding you hostage?

I can help with that!



This is a dynamic, comprehensive online program where Dr. Kirsten will teach you everything you need to know about how to either protect or regain rocking health during the perimenopause years (35+).

This course delivers evidence-based, practical, simple strategies that take you from being a hot mess to being at the top of your health game.

Hands holding a plant


Eating healthy and working out and simply not getting results?

Metabolic Balance™ is an evidence-based, customized nutrition plan that resets your metabolism, helps you lose weight, reduces inflammation and disrupts old habits that do not serve you.

Each plan is unique and catered to your body and health goals.

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